Andrew Jackson Sr., the father of future U.S. President Andrew Jackson, passed away in February 1767, at his home in what is now Mineral Springs, NC. As a husband and father of two sons with another child on the way, his death was a tragic event for his family and the Waxhaws community where he lived, but the story of his final journey to the Waxhaws Presbyterian church is one of strange and unexpected events.
According to historical accounts, Andrew Jackson Sr.’s body was placed on a wagon to be taken to the Waxhaws Presbyterian church for burial. Two men were tasked with leading the wagon, but instead of taking a direct route to the church, they decided to stop at several homes along the way.
At each stop, the men were offered peach brandy, a popular local beverage, and they drank to excess. By the time they arrived at Waxhaw Creek, they were so drunk that they lost control of the wagon, and Andrew Jackson Sr.’s body rolled off into the water.
In their drunken state, the men were unable to find the body. Miraculously, they eventually stumbled upon the body in Waxhaw Creek, and they were able to continue on their way to the church for the burial.
The strange tale of Andrew Jackson Sr.’s final journey sheds light on the customs and traditions of the Waxhaws community during the 18th century. This story was featured in the historical play about the Waxhaws Colonial Settlement, Listen and Remember, written by Dare Steele, with original music composed by Elinor Niven McLaughlin.
Despite the mishap on the way to the church, Andrew Jackson Sr.’s legacy lives on. His son, Andrew Jackson, would go on to become a military hero and the seventh president of the United States. The Jackson family name is still well-known in the Waxhaws region, and the strange story of Andrew Jackson Sr.’s final journey continues to be a topic of fascination for local historians and curious visitors alike.